Prof. Khandekar Sir's visit to PRICOL TECHNOLOGIES LTD

  On 22nd Sept 2017 a three member team from VISHWANIKETAN comprised of Mr Dhananjay Khanzode,Director VIC, Ms Shalini Singh ( TPO ) and Prof Anand Khandekar visited PRICOL Technologies Limited, PUNE office at Bawdhan , Pune.The meeting was attended by Mr Prabhakar Neelkant, Consultant- Technical and Training , their HR personnel and Mr Vivekananda Challa, Practice Manager, Engineering and Design ( via SKYPE ) as representatives from PRICOL Technologies.
            Prof Anand Khandekar initially briefed them about VISHWANIKETAN, its philosophy and the entire Project Based Learning Cycle. They were informed about the BUSINESS club and its methods, the SE presentations and the TE group discussions. In addition the entre VAP process and its functioning was explained. This was followed by introducing them with Vishwaniketan’s flagship program, the UG Fellowship.
            Mr Vivekanand Challa then took over and briefed us about various business verticals running in PRICOL TECHNOLOGIES, their hiring fresh graduate trainee engineer policy. He was also assisted by Mr Prabhakar, who gave valuable inputs about quantifying the skills acquired by engineers at various stages during the four year curriculum and mapping the same with the present grade system.The HR briefed us about the selection process followed by the company, its policies and that they did not offer any opening to graduates in the final year.

         The meeting was fruitful wherein PRICOL agreed to partner us in back end consultancy. It was decided to send the present projects completed by the mechanical department ,based on the assessment of these projects and their internal discussions with practice managers as well as project leads Pricol to identify and discuss during their visit to Vishwaniketan on 28th Oct for the VAP exhibiton.


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